Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Chinese Coronavirus: France’s central bank estimates major first-quarter shock

France’s economy likely contracted 6 per cent in the first quarter from the previous three months as a nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak shut down vast swathes of the economy, the central bank estimated on Wednesday. That would be the biggest contraction on a quarterly basis since World War II, surpassing the previous record of -5.3 per cent in the second quarter of 1968 when France was gripped by civil unrest, mass student protests and general strikes.

France has been subject to stay-at-home orders since March 17 that officially end on April 15, although the government has warned they could very well be extended if judged prudent. A typical week of confinement in March saw economic activity reduced by nearly a third, the central bank said in an analysis of the economic fallout from the outbreak.

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