Saturday, 18 April 2020

COVID-19 storm strengthens across Europe: Tedros

Of the 10 countries in the region with the highest numbers of cases, there have been some optimistic signs, with numbers declining in Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Switzerland in recent weeks.  However, these gains are tempered by sustained – even increased – incidence in the United Kingdom, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation. 

“The next few weeks will be critical for Europe,” he said. “Make no mistake, despite this spring weather, we remain in the midst of a storm.” It is imperative that people not let down their guard.  As physical distancing and lockdowns to slow and stop #COVID-19 transmission are affecting lives and livelihoods, he said Governments and health authorities must come up with answers to identify when, under what conditions and how to consider a safe transition through a gradual shift in

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