Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Over 80,000 employees of BSNL, MTNL apply for VRS

Over 80,000 employees of BSNL and MTNL have already applied for the voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) notified by the companies last week. Going by the response, it seems that the firms are set to achieve their target of 94,000 employees.

BSNL had estimated that about 79,000 people will opt for the scheme while MTNL had set a target of 15,000 staff to take retirement. As per an official, over 72,000 employees in BSNL and 8,900 in MTNL have already applied for VRS.

After the retirement of excess staff, BSNL is likely to save over Rs. 7,500 crore per year in salary costs. The current salary outgo is over Rs. 14,000 crore for the company. The government had last month cleared a package worth around Rs. 70,000 crore, which includes Rs. 29,937 crore for VRS.

BSNL has about 46,000 executives, which include ranks of junior telecom officer (JTO) and higher. Non-executives staff count like junior engineer, accountant, technicians, etc, stood at about 1.18 lakh.

According to the VRS scheme, all regular and permanent BSNL employees aged 50 years or more, including those on deputation to other organisation or posted outside BSNL on deputation basis, are eligible to avail VRS.

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