Sunday, 1 April 2012

Amrapali CMD gets the ‘Most Inspiring Entrepreneur Award’

Celebrating consecutive successes in a row, Amrapali Group CMD and CREDAI (NCR) VP Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma received the Star Reality Award of the 'Most Inspiring Entrepreneur in Real Estate' from Kamal Nath, union minister of urban development. The Award was conferred in recognistion of his contribution of his contribution to the industry and the impact that his projects have achieved in a short span of time. Kamal Nath said “I hope the Group will add another feather in the cap of Noida and will take it to greater heights of living.” The 'Star Realty Awards 2011-12' were organised by Planman Media at Hotel Taj Palace on February 22, 2012 to felicitate real estate players for their excellence and mammoth contribution to the growth of realty sector.

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