Sunday, 1 May 2011

We promise a stern action against those who have colluded with BSP

Mohan Singh, General Secretary & Spokesperson, Samajwadi Party in an interview to Tarun Bhardwaj, Asstt. Editor, Todays Economics told that the present present BSP government is a government of Criminals & is a busy looting the state. On the name of inspections, Ms Mayawati is talking a toll on upper cast officers. He was interviewed on a whole range of issues, the excerpts of which are as follows:-

TE: How do you assess the present BSP government ?

Mohan Singh: The present BSP government can be termed as the 'Government of Criminals'. The minister of the BSP government themselves are involved in crime The law & order has totally collapsed, crime against the women is high, corruption is all time high and the rule is autocratic. The present UP government is NADIR. Instead of investing in the welfare of people, it has squandered all the resources of the state in building parks & installing statues.

TE : Your take on the CM's drive to inspect the Development works in the districts?

Mohan Singh: One can not call it an inspection. No one can inspect two to three districts in just two three hours. The CM comes, touches the ground and fly away. The CM and cabinet secretary has in their minds who is to be suspended and who is to be transferred, Infact, she is taking action against only upper caste Bureaucrats, to show people of her community that she is with them and hitting the upper caste people hard, In the entire state, people are being harassed (upper caste) because they belong to a particular community.

TE: In view of the forthcoming elections in UP, what will be your strategy?

Mohan Singh: During the last assembly elections, we lost 20-25 seats with a margin of less than 1000 votes and nearly 60 candidates with less than 5000 votes. Our strategy would be to concentrate on these seats and rope in social engineering to win these seats. We look farward to rope in good candidates. I would like to add that SP would come to the people projecting itself as the only alternative to BSP. We are open, if possible a pre-election alliance with a party having clean image.

TE: What according to you are the main reasons for SP's defeat in previous UP Assembly elections?

Mohan Singh: As already mentioned, during our earlier government in UP, some bad elements entered and their interference in the government increased. People of the state voted against us and punished. At that time, BSP leader Ms. Mayawati was considered as 'IRON LADY' and people expected that she will deal with these kinds of people with iron hand and crush them. But it happened just opposite to what the people voted for. Now, we have got rid of these bad elements and if we are in power, we would focus on good governance and development.

TE: How do you plan to deal with Bureaucrats and politician who are in hand with BSP in looting the state?

Mohan Singh: We promise a stern action against those who have colluded with the government. Political personalities or bureaucrats, whosoever is found guilty will be punished. We have prepared a list of such people and will be brought to the book.

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