Sunday, 11 January 2009

Leadership Spotlight

TE: What according to you should be the skills a leader must possess?

P.K. SINHA: A leader is first and foremost a good team builder .He must lead from front, i.e. Lead by example. He should a person who can create the right organisational environment & choose right people for the right job. A leader also is to develop the team spirit in an organization & have a humane approach towards them .Sensitivity, transparency and consistency are the hallmarks of an effective leader. Quick decision making & allow other team member to participate in decision making gains prominence in achieving the overall objectives.  


TE: Being the Additional Secretary, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, What is your general approach /attitude towards organization’s objectives, collective goals and motivation?

P.K. Sinha: Objectives are the important basics of any organization, which everyone in the organization tries to achieve and accomplish .To achieve best results, organizational goals, as well as individual role must be very clear What is expected from each individual must be clear to them .To achieve Objective and Organization goals, a system of incentive & disincentives for performing & non- performing people must be there.

TE: As a leader, what do you strive for?

P.K. Sinha: I strive to achieve best results in the field through team work .I have always believed that my organisation be viewed as an exemplary organisation serving the presents & future needs.

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